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Colour Collector

Game Pitch

Colour Collector is a top down twin stick shooter where the player can apply different modules that change various player stats, such as changing the damage or movement speed. Each module increases one stat while also decreasing another so the player must decide on which they deem to be more important.



For this project I wanted a system that would read from a xml file allowing for a designer to easily add, edit or remove modules. This allows for easy viewing of all the different modules in a single xml file and unlike scriptable objects, this system also allows for easy modding. 

Project Goals

The goal of this project was to utilize two systems in conjunction with each other. The first system reads an xml file that contains information on what properties of the player an item can modify, and the second system applies those changes through the use of a Get Property method that allows a class to access and change a property from a string.

An example of the player doing a regular amount of damage vs. having a damage boost module applied

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